What’s on in February

We can’t promise you romance this February, but we can promise you’ll fall in love with something on our stages, screens or gallery walls!

The month kicks off with The Strange Tale of Charlie Chaplin and Stan Laurel on our Theatre 1 stage, a hilarious and deeply moving homage to two men who changed the world of comedy forever. Later in the month, we have A Little Space, an intricately crafted performance combining Gecko’s unique blend of theatre, choreography and stunny imagery with incredible performers from Mind the Gap.

On our Theatre 2 stage Ad Infinitum presents Extraordinary Wall of Silence combining their signature style of physical storytelling with the beauty of British Sign Language in an unmissable feast for the senses.

Highlights in our cinemas this month include our season celebrating “unfilmmable” novels – Adaptation: Impossible Novels, and The Japan Foundation Touring Film Programme 2020/ Happiness is A State of Mind: Joy and Despair in Japanese Cinema  showcasing diverse cinematic voices which explore the highs and lows experienced in pursuit of happiness.

In our gallery this month the Manchester Open Exhibition continues, with over 500 works of art from Greater Manchester Artists. Entry to the exhibition is free and every Saturday afternoon we’re running Open Door Tours, and every Thursday throughout February there will be live performances with the Manchester Open House Thursdays.