Japan’s Studio Ghibli has produced two of its country’s biggest selling films ever, yet remains largely unknown outside its homeland. With animated features that range from children’s fables to mega-hit eco-warrior tales, Ghibli is revered for its high production values and morally complex narratives. Fans include John Lasseter (TOY STORY) Akira Kurosawa, and Jonathan Ross. The season continues next month with the hugely popular PRINCESS MONONOKE, MY NEIGHBOUR TOTORO, and THE CRIMSON PIG.Unless otherwise noted, all films are in Japanese with English subtitles. A Barbican Screen Programme co-ordinated by the BFI. Text by Helen McCarthy and Andrew Osmond.Season passes:See all 6 Studio Ghibli films in January with a money saving season pass for £21.00 full / £15.00 concs, (please purchase your season ticket at least 30 minutes before the screening) .February season pass: £10.50 full / £7.50 concs. Receive 10% off Hazayo Miyazaki: Master of Japanese Animation by Helen McCarthy when you buy a season pass.