Counterpoint is a series of four new shorts by filmmaker Antony Barkworth-Knight in collaboration with Manchester based musicians Graham Massey, Olivia Moore, Ríoghnach Connolly and John Ellis. In each piece the musicians were interviewed and asked to improvise music in response to an original piece of animation by Barkworth-Knight. The results are tapestries of video, animation, interview, music and sound that create an intimate insight into the artists involved.
Waves (4 mins)
Tue 26 Jul
The sea, the waves, the universe and the ephemeral nature of life. Featuring John Ellis (piano). Video, pastel animation, photography.
Screens with Thelonious Monk: Straight No Chaser and All Night Long
Formed (4 mins)
Thu 28 Jul
Chance, risk taking and the gulf between your own thoughts and the workings of other peoples’ minds. Featuring Olivia Moore
Screens with Tubby Hayes: A Man In A Hurry + Intro from Mark Baxter
March to the future (4 mins)
Fri 29 Jul
What the future looked like from the past, the space age and the rise of grand urbanisation. Featuring Graham Massey.
Screens with Bird
Unspoken (4 mins)
Sat 30 Jul
Community, musicianship and colonialism. Featuring Ríoghnach Connolly (flute, vocal). Abstract video, digital animation.
Screens with ‘Round Midnight + Intro from John Ellis