They’re a Weird Mob Double Bill

Directed by Michael Powell

Powell’s first film down under is a bizarre comedy of manners about a young Italian immigrant in Sydney. Cultural exchanges abound and, with the country’s current selective treatment of certain migrant groups in mind, it can be seen as a light-hearted but still pointed take on a very serious issue. + A Matter of Life and Death U Dir Michael Powell UK 1946 1hr 44m David Niven, Kim Hunter, Roger Livesey. One of Powell and Pressburger’s finest films, as well as a classic of British cinema, this technicolour fantasy of life during death delivers immaculate sets, pitch perfect performances and a necessary- at the time – bolstering of international goodwill for the post-war effort. It also takes amusing swipes at national stereotypes and is hugely enjoyable. Definitive matinee fare.

112 minutes

Country of origin:
Australia and Great Britain

Year of production: