BFI NETWORK at Film Hub North is one of the major public funding bodies for short films in the North. Although extensive guidelines about the application process are provided on line, it can sometimes feel daunting to approach. Join the Film Hub North team for a practical workshop to demystify the process, answer your questions and figure out if this is the fund for your project.
The workshop will look at the specific requirements of the fund guidelines and elements of the applications including:
- Presenting the creative track record of your team
- Communicating why your story is pertinent and why you are the best person to tell it
- Budgeting / Scheduling
- Ensuring your script is ready for application
Especially relevant to
- Filmmakers who have never applied to this fund
- Filmmakers unfamiliar with BFI NETWORK funding opportunities
This event is not relevant to
- People who have already applied
- People who simply want to make contact with the Film Hub North Team. If you’d like to chat to them why not attend the Film Hub North Polaris Award Showcase and chat to them afterwards?