Valentines Day 2019

This year’s Valentine’s films have been programmed by our team of HOME volunteers and Young Programmers, whose classic and contemporary selection features iconic and inspirational performances.

In this season

HOME Volunteers On Their Valentine’s Day 2019 Film Sightseers

HOME volunteer Joseph Ratcliffe explains the thought process behind the team's Valentine's Day 2019 film screening selection of Ben Wheatley's Sightseers.

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Previously in this season

Valentine’s Day/ Sightseers

This pitch black comedy follows loved-up couple, Chris and Tina, as they set off on their first holiday together.

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Valentine’s Day/ The Lady Eve

Con-artist Jean Harrington manipulates her way through life. On a cruise she meets Charles, a gullible millionaire and snake scientist, who falls for her in…

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Jules et Jim

An alternative Valentine's Day film treat with a classic...

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Love and Desire in Palestine

The programme explores experiences of romantic love, love of family as well as love for one’s homeland. 

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