The Return of The Hollywood of the North Coach Trip!

Yes, it’s back! It’s your chance to climb aboard the magical history tour, set off down the Boulevard of Dreams (Oxford Road) and take in the sights and sites of the city’s film history. See the homes of the stars! See fabulous real locations used in films! Did you know that Hulme was once revolutionary St Petersburg? Burt Kwuok was born in Rusholme and Charlie Chaplin went to school in Ardwick? All this and more on the Hollywood of the North coach trip, hosted by CP Lee. The coach trip starts at 12:00 and will conclude at Cornerhouse with a screening of George Formby’s first film Boots! Boots!, which was made at Manchester’s own Mancunian Film Company.

With thanks to Mike Blakeley and the North West Film Archive at Manchester Metropolitan University


Boots! Boots! (U)
Dir Bert Tracey/GB 1934/71 mins
George Formby, Beryl Formby, Betty Driver
2011 marks the 50th anniversary of George Formby’s death. It’s difficult to imagine now that this disingenuous singing comic was, at the end of the 1930s, the sixth most popular film star in the world. Another almost forgotten fact is that he began his film career at the Mancunian Film Company and Boots! Boots! is the first film he ever made. Produced for just £3,000 it took over £30,000 in three months and was remembered by George as being “So dark you needed a box of matches to see it!”

George reprises the role of John Willie, made famous by his father George Senior, and co-stars his wife Beryl, plus an appearance by Coronation Street’s Betty Driver demonstrating her yodelling prowess!