[Cog]Horizons Creative Café: Creative Conversations

An open artist talking circle where you can meet other creatives. Join local artist Mahboobeh Rajabi for a facilitated creative discussion and learn from other artist’s experience

About Horizons Creative Café

The Horizons Creative Café is a daylong event for artists and creatives who have lived experience of forced migration. You can join in with the whole day or just book yourself on for part of it. The day is designed to give you the opportunity to talk and discuss and meet other creatives, to chat about your work and explore how you can develop it, and to pitch projects to a creative group for feedback.

Maybe you have the grain of a creative idea that needs some nurturing, or you may have a master plan for a tour or creative funding application. Or maybe you just want to share a song, a poem or an idea with an intimate crowd and get some feedback? Coffee will be flowing all day!


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Here's a quote for you

Person with a longer name, Event goer

Here's a longer quote about this amazing film. You must go and see it. Loved every second.

Person, Event goer or maybe they're a reviewer

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Donate To Home

As a charity, HOME strives to engage communities, commission new, emerging artists and provide a cultural offering to the people of Greater Manchester. We could not do any of this work without your support.

1 hour

This event is free, but needs to be booked online.


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