Filmed Up Sep 2018 (18)

From grassroots guerrilla filmmakers to start-up production companies, the film community is thriving in the North West. Join us for an evening screening where you’ll discover a selection of short films that are being produced right here on your doorstep. The entire programme is selected by a panel of audience members.

Want to submit your work for the next screening ? Deadline is 24 October. Submission form and FAQs can be found on our Filmed Up Submission Info Page.

Programme (in alphabetical order)

  • 7 Planets / Dir. Milda Baginskaite / GB / 06:07
    A tale of one girl’s dream to escape Planet Earth.
  • A Father’s Day / Mat Johns / GB / 09:53
    Unexpectedly reunited with his daughter amongst the ruins of the world as they knew it, a father is determined to make this day special, even if they are already dead.
  • Alfie, The Odd-Job Boy of Clitheroe / Aaron Dunleavy / GB / 08:00
    18 year old Alfie found it hard to hold down a job, so he runs his own business with a tandem bike and a trailer, and has become a bit of a hometown hero.
  • Danny didnt feel like himself anymore / Johnny Gibbs / GB / 05:10
    A cube goes on an emotional journey to become a star
  • Euphorbia / Jessica Wheeler / GB / 01:48
    A sensory exploration of sexuality.
  • Everything Must Be In The Air/ Simon Brooks / GB / 14:50
    Albrecht van DeQualen is a dying man. Can an unusual encounter safe his soul?
  • Exposure / Bella Watson / GB / 03:45
    An animated documentary exploring the normalisation of taking drugs amongst young people.
  • Fast Love / Thomas Carlin / GB / 11:31
    A young woman is forced to reevaluate time, loss and love after going on three dates in three nights that changed her life.
  • Hope Dies Last / Ben Price / GB / 07:43
    A Polish prisoner cuts the hair of Rudolph Höss
  • Locked Up / Designasaur / GB / 01:55
    Stop motion animated music video made for UK punk band, Muncie Girls; a fast, fun and honest take on the world as viewed by frontwoman Lande Hekt.
  • Message in a Frequency / Ricardo Serrano / GB / 04:20
    We’re here and gone in the blink of eye. Our voices might disappear into the vastness of the Universe but our actions and their consequences can still be seen from far away in space and time..
  • Rich is the Life / Tim Baxter, Jack Leigh / GB / 10:00
    After being diagnosed with manuc depression, Marko Lauronen left everything to become a gold prospector in Lapland. The film follows Marko’s search across the frozen tundras of the arctic circle as he ponders the true value of gold.
  • Untitled Fetus Film / Owen Tuson / GB / 07:11
    A young man begins to struggle with morning sickness.