Offstage Theatre & Most Wanted presents

The Political History of Smack and Crack

Rehearsed Reading

“BOOM! Neil feels a violent leap of ecstasy in his chest. The history of Manchester jumps off its axis. The history of England jumps off its axis. 2am, 8th July, 1981, 20 cities across England burn.”

Neil and Mandy’s paths cross as kids on the night of the Manchester uprising in 1981. Little do they know how this event will shape their future lives.

They share some laughs, an occasional bed and finally their love as they seek to maintain a fragile recovery against the addiction that blights their lives and the drug epidemic that smashes the inner city communities at the height of Thatcherism.

This reading will be presented in our pop-up theatre space on our main stage as a chance for the company to share the work in its first stage of development and bring this new script to life in front of an audience.


Want to know more about Offstage Theatre & Most Wanted?

Offstage Theatre & Most Wanted create ground-breaking work harnessing the energy, instincts and life experiences of prisoners, ex-prisoners and young people at risk of offending. They bring original stories from these unheard voices to the stage and look to offer fresh insights into the criminal justice system.

  • £3