Two Destination Language presents


40/40 is an inspiring, insightful and moving celebration of Katherina Radeva’s 40 years as a woman, a migrant and an artist.

On a dance floor for one, she claims the space to write stories of her past, present and future, using speech, electrical tape and movement.

Supported by three brilliant choreographers — Liz Aggiss, Rachel Krishche and Lucy Suggate — this show celebrates the sheer joy of doing what you want despite what people say. And for Kat, that’s dancing her way through the laughter and tears of 40 years.

Content warning: nudity, heavy breathing, middle aged woman dancing with much joy.

About Two Destination Language

Two Destination Language is the multi award winning collaboration between Katherina Radeva and Alister Lownie. A first generation migrant woman from Bulgaria and a Scottish ginger man.

Their work is often interdisciplinary, bold and political. Their performances draw textures from the visual arts and intersect with theatre, dance and live art. Visually stunning and intellectually stimulating it leaves the viewer asking more questions than giving straight answers in an attempt to nudge its audience into a caring space of nuance and complexity of the multi layered human nature.

Their work tours extensively in the UK and internationally and can be seen on stages, with communities and in publications. Dialogue is a prime foundation of all their work.

“Emboldening and unapologetic joy”

The Stage

“Katherina Radeva’s 40/40 is an absolute joy”

Lyn Gardner, Stagedoor

"Go and see Katherina Radeva’s open-hearted, full bodied empowered and empowering dance show 40/40"

Donald Hutera, The Times and Independent

40/40 Production Images

40/40 Trailer

50 minutes

Running time: 50 minutes

Age recommendation: 14yrs+

Content warning: Contains full nudity.

  • Tickets: £15 (Concessions available)