Now available to watch online, exclusively via Chinese Cinema Season. Use HOME’s discount code CCSHOME2021 for recieve 10% off of this title, as well as any passes. When you watch this title at home, a percentage of your rental fee goes towards supporting HOME.

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Comedy film director Dong Chengpeng went back to his rural hometown, Tonghua, Jilin Province, on a whim, hoping to make an art-house film about how his family celebrated the Chinese New Year. However, during the shooting of the film, the original main subject of the film – his grandmother, passed away due to illness, Dong Chengpeng had to change the original shooting plan. And the members of the big family in Northeast China who got together because of the film, also ushered in the outbreak of a conflict on the first night of the New Year’s Eve after the loss of the old lady. In the end, completed their last reunion party.

80 minutes

Translated title:


Full English

Country of origin:

Year of production: