Written and directed by Mike Leigh, Peterloo is an epic portrayal of the events surrounding the infamous 1819 Peterloo Massacre, where a peaceful pro-democracy rally at St Peter’s Field in Manchester turned into one of the bloodiest and most notorious episodes in British history. The massacre saw British government forces charge into a crowd of over 60,000 that had gathered to demand political reform and protest against rising levels of poverty. Many protestors were killed and hundreds more injured, sparking a nationwide outcry but also further government suppression. The Peterloo Massacre was a defining moment in British democracy.
The UK Premiere of Peterloo was held here at HOME on Wed 17 Oct as part of the 62nd BFI London Film Festival in partnership with American Express®. We were joined by director Mike Leigh and Maxine Peake for a Q&A following this screening. With thanks to Entertainment One. Re-watch Granada Reports’ coverage below.
Listen to our review of Peterloo in our November film podcast: