
Directed by Paddy Considine

Paddy Considine’s feature directorial debut is an affecting tour de force, recounting the story of two lonely and damaged people brought together by chance and tragic circumstances. Hannah works in a charity shop and holds her Christian values dear. Joseph is an irascible drunk, lashing out at those close to him. Joseph’s rage threatens to drive him to self- destruction so Hannah attempts to help him, but her own problems soon bubble to the surface and Joseph becomes the only person she can turn to.

Staff Recommendations

Want to know if Tyrannosaur is for you? Read our staff review from Cornerhouse AV Technician Dave Petty, who also recommended the film for our Play It Again season >>read more

Customer Recommendation

Read Anthony Joseph Long’s customer recommendation for Tyrannosaur >>read more

91 minutes


Country of origin:
Great Britain

Year of production: