Based on real events, this quirky yet tender retro comedy follows an encyclopedia salesman in the waning years of Franco who discovers his career prospects equally fading. Until the publishing company goes into a new line of educational films aimed at the Scandinavian market and Alfredo (Cámara of TALK TO HER) finds he has the makings of a successful porn director. Cue wife Carmen (Peña of ALL ABOUT MY MOTHER) who becomes a big star in Sweden. But all Pablo really wants is to be Ingmar Bergman…Competition time
Win a host of goodies relating to TORREMOLINOS 73: We have DVDs of THE SEVENTH SEAL directed by Alfredo’s hero Ingmar Berman, KODACHROME 40 super 8 film cartridges and ROUGH GUIDES TO ANDALUCIA (‘Rough Guides are consistently readable, informed and, most importantly, reliable’ Bill Bryson).
For your chance to win just email the answer to the question below before the end of Thu 21 July to stating which prize(s) you wish to win.What is the name of the publishing company for which Alfredo works for?
The winners will be notified by email.