The Past in the Present

Palestinian filmmakers from different locations – Jerusalem, the West Bank and Gaza – challenge the erasure of their histories through creatively retracing and reflecting on different aspects of Palestinian pasts.

Part of the Creative Interruptions Research Project

Films screening are:

The Silent Protest: Jerusalem 1929
(Dir Mahasen Nasser-Eldin/20 mins)

On 26 October 1929, Palestinian women launched their women’s movement in Jerusalem and protested at the British High Commissioner’s bias against Arabs in the Buraq uprising.

Eight Years Later
(Dir Salim Abu Jabal, 25 mins)

Filmmaker, Salim Abu Jabal searches for children from the  village of  Nabi Saleh and Deir Ghassana who he first met in 2010 when they took part in the weekly non-violent Friday demonstrations against the occupation.

(Dir Yousef Nateel, 40 mins)

Travelling across Gaza City, Nateel makes contact with former photographic studio owners. Through photography we gain insight into histories of migration and injustice in Gaza,touching on core historical events.

This screening has no adverts or trailers and starts at the advertised time