Short Film: My Toughest Battle

Directed by Jim Doyle

To coincide with World Mental Health Day on 10 October 2020, we’re showcasing this short film written by and starring Liam Collins, which you can watch online for free by clicking below.

My Toughest Battle is an original script by Liam Collins. As an actor, this is Liam’s first script and a film and subject he feels very passionately about.

The story focuses on Jamie, a young boxer who, as he is preparing for an upcoming fight, starts to struggle with his feelings. He doesn’t understand them; they become consuming at times and the audience will see him try and work through this and struggle to hide these feelings from those close to him, in particular his fiancé Gemma played by Brooke Vincent.

Their aim with this film was to deliver a story (based on the writer/lead actors own experiences) that would tackle the issues of mental illness in everyday life and in particular sport and young males, offering the audience something they can relate to in the film and help them realise that they are not alone and that it is ok to talk about it.  This is a subject that is so important right now as we see so many people unable to find a way out of their depression.

Production Company: SkyBlue Productions Ltd
Producer: Suzy Mottram

13 minutes


Country of origin:
Great Britain

Year of production: