More mysterious and dangerous behaviour in this fright night sequel. Canadian director Jon Knautz returns with the voyeuristic The Other Celia. The Tall Tale Heart and The Noisy Neighbour (both based on Edgar Allen Poe’s timeless fable) show how an overactive imagination can have deadly consequences. Zombies spoil dessert in the wonderfully trashy gore-fest After Ate and the ghostly ties between a mother and her son prove fatal in the tense Singaporean chiller Strings.
The Other Celia
Dir: Jon Knautz, Canada, 2005, DV, 21’
The Noisy Neighbour
Dir: Mark Street, UK, 2005, DV, 14’
After Ate
Dir: Jason De Groote, Canada, 2004, DV, 10’
Dir: Jon Lim, Singapore, 2004, DV, 28’
The Tall Tale Heart
Dir: Tom Raycove, 2005, 35mm, 20’