TANAKA Yuko (SASAKI Kokone) leads a rather modest life. Having married into a chicken farm belonging to her husband Ryosuke’s (KIGUCHI Kenta) family, she now works to keep the farm’s daily operations running, together with somewhat-reclusive employee Taichi (TO Chikara) and disagreeable sister-in-law Satomi (KUDAMATSU Maya), the latter of whom subjects her to constant belittling and bullying. 

While searching for an additional live-in farmhand, Yuko comes across an application from Saki (ISHIKAWA Ruka) and decides to interview her. The interview goes well, but what Yuko fails to realise is that Saki is having an affair with her husband. Oblivious to this, Yuko decides to hire Saki, and her once-peaceful life begins to fall apart… 

A quirky, chaotic black comedy adapted from a theatrical production staged in 2021, Qualia is actor-turned-director USHIMARU Ryo’s remarkable debut, depicting the blurring of the boundaries between compassion and madness in the strained relationships of its characters. 

(Image ©2023 Qualia Film Partners)

96 minutes

Translated title:
(Qualia, クオリア)



Country of origin:

Year of production:

This screening has no adverts or trailers and starts at the advertised time

This event is excluded from the HOME Film Pass