MAF proudly presents a chorus of new voices entering the world of animation, our showcase of student excellence screens short films that convey raw and powerful talent debuting here at the festival that have been crafted in the academic environment. 

Films in this programme: 

Mum’s Spaghetti (Dir Lisa Kenney, 2023) 

Don’t Forget To Take Medicines On Time (Dir Xiaoxuan Han, 2023)
Human Resources (Dir Trinidad Plass Caussade, Titouan Tillier, Isaac Wenzek, 2023 

Braided (Dir Chenxi Zhang, 2023) 

Le Parc Aux Cerfs (Dir Mahault Robin, Apolline Bucher, Marine Azam, Lilou Dubreuil, Louise Moulis, Nicolas Wilhelm, 2023) 

Record. Play. Stop. (Dir Neeraj Bhattacharjee, 2023) 

Soaked In (Dir Shiyu Tang, 2023) 

Dede Is Dead (Dir Philippe Kastner, 2023) 

Pipes (Dir Kilian Feusi, Jessica Meier, Sujanth Ravichandran, 2023) 

Perfect City: The Bravest Kid (Dir Shengwei Zhou, 2023) 

Rising Above (Dir Natálie Durchánková, 2023) 

Offerlamm (Dir Tova Persson, 2023) 

Town Hall Square (Dir Christian Kaufmann, 2023) 

Year of production: