
Directed by Zeina Durra

With HOME’s closure this November/December, you can still support us when you watch this film in your home thanks to the virtual cinema by Modern Films. All you have to do is click below to rent this title and a percentage of your rental fee will go towards supporting HOME.

We also have an offer where you can rent both Luxor and Zeina Durra’s first film The Imperialists are Still Alive! for just £14.99, check out the Zeina Durra Double Bill.

Hana is seeking mental peace and physical respite after an overwhelming period spent working at a clinic in Ramtha, on the Jordanian-Syrian border, where she specialised in treating victims wounded in the war in Syria. She finds solace in majestic Luxor, Egypt, where she lived in her 20s and dated a handsome archaeologist, Sultan, who was also studying there.

On this nostalgic solo trip, she lingers through memory-filled hotel lobbies and ancient sites as she begins to grapple with her grief and her emotions from the war but when she runs into Sultan on a ferry crossing unexpectedly, the chemistry is undeniable.

In this restrained story of romance post-trauma, Riseborough shines as the naturally playful and delicately subdued Hana.

85 minutes

Arabic and English

Partial English

Country of origin:
Egypt, United Arab Emirates and United Kingdom

Year of production: