Beset with personal and professional problems, George Bailey finds his previously happy life is falling apart around him on Christmas Eve. Seeing no way out, George considers suicide from the edge of a bridge – but Clarence, his guardian angel, intervenes and shows George what his beloved hometown of Bedford Falls would be like without him. Shocked by what he sees and at the unforeseen circumstances of his absence, George reconsiders and begs Clarence to return him to the problems of the present and the loving community he has fostered throughout his life.
The screening on Tue 19 Dec at 15:10 will be a Relaxed screening, with a short introduction from a member of the HOME team, and no adverts or trailers
Relaxed Events are designed for people with autism spectrum conditions and their families so they can enjoy the arts together in a stress-free environment. These events are also suitable for people with sensory conditions, dementia or learning difficulties. Events include low cinema lighting, low volume, no trailers or ads and freedom to move around the space.
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