Presenting some of the best animated short films from around the world playing in competition at Manchester Animation Festival 2016. These superbly crafted short films demonstrate the potential of the animated form. Films screening in this selection are:
Joint Tenants
Delphine Priet-Mahéo, France, 2015, 11 mins
The Head Vanishes
Franck Dion, France, 2016, 10 mins
Fox and the Whale
Robin Joseph, Canada, 2016, 12 mins
Broken: The Women’s Prison at Hoheneck
Volker Schlecht & Alexander Lahl, Germany, 2016, 7 mins
Janice Nadeau, France, 2016, 6 mins
How Long, Not Long
Michelle & Uri Kranot, Denmark, 2015, 6 mins
Under the Apple Tree
Erik van Schaaik, Netherlands, 2015, 18 mins