Presenting some of the best animated short films from around the world playing in competition at Manchester Animation Festival 2016. These superbly crafted short films demonstrate the potential of the animated form. Films screening in this selection are:
Jonas and the Sea
Marlies van der Wel, Netherlands, 2015, 11 mins
Emilien Davaud, France, 2016, 11 mins
Markus Kempken, Germany, 2016, 4 mins
Of Shadows and Wings…
Elice Meng & Eleonora Marinoni, France, 2015, 13 mins
The Aeronauts
León Fernández, Mexico, 2016, 11 mins
The Inverted Peak
The Brothers McLeod & Tom Angell, GB, 2016, 6 mins
Digna van der Put, Netherlands, 2015, 4 mins
Cold Coffee
Stephanie Lansaque & Francois Leroy, France, 2015, 15 mins