Animation Programme Tasty Burger Christophe Patrick Kearon Southport College 00:40 The Pitch Damian Kirstein, Sarah Cook WFA Media & Cultural Centre 02:30 Henry ‘s Sheep Nasir Butt, Beki Whitney WFA Media & Cultural Centre 01:15 Dystopia Adam Avery Liverpool John Moores 04:00 Daft Punk Alive Stuart Fortune Liverpool John Moores 03:47 00001100 James Ruddin Liverpool John Moores 03:38 Film England Susanne Fiender MMU 01:29 A Most Peculiar Correspondence Stuart Adams MMU 03:51 Call Me A Genius Stuart Adams MMU 02:49 Birdsong Stuart Adams MMU 01:07 Wating for Dinner Sean Miles MMU 02:14 Life Drawing Sean Miles MMU 01:47 A Star Is Born Jason Winguard City College 03:40 Sunbathe Shanni Maddison Bolton Institute of HE 00:58 Hesketh Park 10-4-10 Martyn Blundell Southport College 01:03