El Mundo es nuestro

Directed by Alfonso Sánchez

UK Premiere

Topical heist comedy El Mundo es nuestro makes a farce with bite out of Spain’s current financial woes.  Dressed as holy week penitents, two working class Sevillanos decide that the only way to escape their crisis-hit city is to rob a bank.  When things don’t go to plan, the pair ends up with an oddball group of hostages and an even bigger crisis on their hands.

EVENT: We are pleased to welcome Alfonso Sánchez and Alberto López for a Q&A following the screening on Mon 18 Mar. More details here.

Staff Review

Not sure if El Mundo es nuestro is for you? For all you Spanish spreakers read a review from Cornerhouse Digital Reporter Marina Pereda >>read more

87 minutes


Full English

Country of origin:

Year of production: