Documentary Programme: Words of Warriors

Directed by Claudio Von Planta

The International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) delegate Juan Martinez and the Kurdish filmmaker/reporter Karzan Sherabayani travel to Sudan, El Salvador, Congo Brazzaville and the Phillipines. They interview combatants of irregular armed conflicts about their perception of the Geneva Conventions and specifically that of (IHL) International Humanitarian Law. All around the world, the vast majority of warriors clearly appreciate the existence of International IHL. However too often they don’t hear about these rules. The hope is that this film will help spread the message.

The main feature film will be proceeded by:
Screening: Unlucky Lady
Dir Khalid Hamalaw/ 14 mins

Screening: Live or Die
Dir Zana H. Garib/ 14 mins

28 minutes

Arabic, English and Kurdish

Year of production: