British Animated Short Film Award

Join us for journey into the heart of contemporary British animation and experience a unique cinematic showcase. From charming tales to thought-provoking narratives, immerse yourself in the creativity and innovation of British animators and discover the filmmaking voices that make the UK a world power in creativity.

Films in this programme:

Wild Summon (Dir Karni, Saul, 2023)

A natural history fantasy film following the dramatic life cycle of the Salmon, from the river to sea and back, portraying the fish in human form.

All Gucci My Broski (Dir Harry Plowden, 2023)

Jonny wants to be a good person. Jonny wants a lot of things.

World To Roam (Dir Stephen Irwin, 2023)

Mother and Father lay the child in his cot at the same time every night. However, come morning, only a shallow crater remains; a baby-shaped depression. The boy was destined to be a wanderer.

Visible Mending (Dir Samantha Moore, 2023)

A short, animated documentary about love, death, and knitting.

All Is Not Lost (Dir Daniel Mark Greaves, Ruth Beni, 2023)

When a cataclysmic volcanic eruption flings a jumble of debris deep into a dark underground cave, these shattered components of life, an assortment of shells, sticks, eyes, rocks and limbs driven by the eternal instinct for survival, quickly reassemble into new living creatures.

She’s My Best Friend (And I Hate Her) (Dir Candy Guard, 2023)

The complexity of an ancient friendship is dissected to hilarious and recognisable effect as old friends Milly and June wait impatiently for each other outside a coffee shop.

A Bear Named Wojtek (Dir Iain Gardner, 2023)

Displaced by the Second World War, a troop of Polish soldiers find an inseparable bond through an orphaned bear they name Wojtek.