Space adventuress and ‘astronavigatrix’ Babarella (Jane Fonda) is assigned by the President of Earth to retrieve missing scientist Durand Durand (Milo O’Shea), inventor of the Positronic ray, a weapon capable of appalling destruction should it fall into the wrong hands. Barbarella’s ship crash-lands in the Tau Ceti region, whereupon the camp antics are cranked to maximum cheese in aid of this cartoon orgy-come-psychedelic pantomime. From killer dolls to a hirsute child catcher, flesh-eating budgies, a blind angel, the Palace of Pleasure, a sea of sex-and-crime imbued slime and knife wielding, libidinous villainous, the Great Tyrant (Anita Pallenberg – riotously dubbed, such was her flatness in the role). Based upon Jean-Claude Forest’s Barbarella comic book series, Barbarella functions as both a pinnacle and nadir in fantasy filmmaking, albeit an unquestionable cult classic.
Directed by Roger Vadim