This multi-award winning film tells the desperate story of an Iranian family of orphans, who deal with the daily struggle of life in Iran. The older brother heads the family of three children, one of whom is in need of a life saving operation that can only be carried out in Iraq. The youngest is a sister entering an arranged marriage in Iran to fund the operation. However the family refuses to accept the sister, and offers a mule as compensation. The film sees the young characters trek across the endless and rugged mountainous ranges of Kurdistan, out of pure devotion for their brother. The story shows formidable strength in the face of adversity whilst depicting the incredibly difficult lives of the most vulnerable.
Q&A Session/ We are pleased to welcome Bahman Ghobadi for a director Q&A session.
Presented in association with The Family Friendly Film Festival, running at venues across Manchester, 7 – 16 August. For more details visit The Family Friendly Film Festival website.
The main feature film will be preceded by:
Screening: Gunfight
Dir Husen A. Mohamed/ 4 mins
Screening: Paradise Flute
Dir Sara M. Abdulsalam/ 12 mins