A City Seen/ Scratching the Surface

This film is not included in the HOME Film Pass

Leading Manchester based arts organisation Odd Arts have been working with Neville Thompson to discuss and explore the history of violence and trauma in Moss Side.

These conversations have evolved into a short documentary film, giving the people directly impacted by these topics a chance to tell their stories.

Inspired by this project, Odd Arts and HOME have collaborated to bring together young people from Moss Side to make their own short documentary films about their community and what it means to them.

We will be sharing Scratching the Surface and the young people’s short films at HOME, as part of A City Seen.

The project and film will be introduced by Odd Arts and filmmaker Neville Thompson.

After the screening there will be a short panel discussion with filmmaker Neville Thompson and other community leaders to discuss the film, the community of Moss Side, how we can support our young people and the impact the film has had so far.

105 minutes

Country of origin:
Great Britain

This screening has no adverts or trailers and starts at the advertised time