The Right to a Creative Life

This series of artwork posters were created by a local collective of young artists as part of The Future is Ours festival and campaign. The Future is Ours celebrates young people’s creativity, voice and action and features original artworks by over 130 young people shared online and on billboards and street posters across Manchester.

The Horsfall’s Creative Producer Rod Kippen says: “Young people have been ignored, disrupted and blamed. One of the few spaces for their voice has been through creativity and art. We want to celebrate what they’ve created and hear what they have to say.”

Lucy Follon curator at HOME, says: “The Right To A Creative Life urges us to build and protect creative spaces for young people. Creative spaces and opportunities like those provided by the Horsfall, are essential to the wellbeing of young people. It is critical that all young people can access spaces that nurture exploration, expression and above all, hope for themselves and the future.”

The Future is Ours 2024 festival of workshops, talks, events and exhibitions runs Sat 4 May – Fri 13 May. Artworks are exhibited at The Horsfall Gallery, HOME and many more locations across Manchester. Click the following link to access the interactive festival map:

This project was delivered by The Horsfall which is part of 42nd street. It’s a gallery and space for creative engagement, where a programme of activity centred around art and nature is designed to support developing positive mental health and wellbeing for young people. For more information visit

Please note, our new Inspire Gallery space is located on the ground floor on the right hand side of the box office as you enter the foyer. Our dedicated exhibition space is designed to showcase work by partner organisations.


Inspire Gallery

Free to drop in, no booking required.