underexposed is our short film showcase dedicated to North West based filmmakers aged 14 -18 years of age. It takes place as part of exposures: new talent in moving image festival.
In 2011 we received a great selection of films which were all watched by our young programming team. The final programme consisted of eight fantastic short films of varying genres and styles.
Films selected were:
Hard Knocks A group project by Harrop Fold Specialist Art College in partnership with Clapperboard UK
Pish Directed by Dominic Grove, Blackpool and the Fylde College
Odd Love Directed by Leanne Connop & Zara Bennett, South Cheshire College
The Other Side Directed by Jake Warner, Poynton High School
Over Exposed Directed by Katie Bliss, Emily Broad, Kathryn Evanson & Emily Palmer, South Cheshire College
The Dream Directed by Liam Dargan, Darwen Aldridge Community Academy
Chain of Events A group project by The Oldham College in partnership with Clapperboard UK
Sophie’s Story Directed by Faye Douglas, South Cheshire College
The Best Film Award was presented to Chain of Events.
Congratulations to all who were selected.