This exciting information session is a chance for young people aged 16-24, and those who work with them, to find out more about Random Acts and the opportunity to make short films as part of the programme.
We’re looking for young people aged 16-24 with the boldest and freshest ideas for short films – from dancers and poets, to filmmakers and artists!
24 films will be commissioned over the next year as part of the first phase of the Random Acts programme. These films will be developed and produced between Summer 2015 and early 2016. Those commissioned will work with production company True North and a professional crew to realise their films which will be shared on a dedicated website and selected for screening on Channel 4.
This information session will give you the chance to meet the team who are delivering the Random Acts programme in the North of England and get all the info you need to apply.
So what is Random Acts?
Random Acts are short films by artists, not films about artists. They are bold expressions of creativity delivered in short film form. They come in many flavours: live action, animation, serious, cheeky; made by dancers, visual artists, poets, musicians, writers, filmmakers; they are between 90 seconds and 3 minutes long.
To get inspired why not check out some past work.
Tyneside Cinema is leading Random Acts Network Centre North, working in partnership with us here at HOME and leading production company True North (Leeds) to produced 24 short films by young creative talent each year for the next three years.
Who can apply?
Anyone aged 16-24 living or studying at school, college or university in the North of England (Cumbria, North East, North West or Yorkshire) can apply as an individual or as part of a group.
You don’t have to have made a film before as the Random Acts team will provide support and a professional crew but you will need to have a good understanding of how sound and image can be combined for creative effect and be able to commit to delivering work to deadlines.
Please note: where you are applying as part of a group we will ask you to appoint a creative lead to attend a talent residential in Newcastle.
How can you get involved?
You may already have a script, artwork, piece of choreography or music that you want to use or you might choose to develop a new idea specifically for Random Acts. Either way, if you are commissioned to make a film, the Random Acts team will work with you to develop your idea and get it ready for production.
So why not come along and find out more at our information session. See you there!
Please note, the deadline for applications is Mon 13 July 2015 and more information can be found here.