To accompany the fascinating documentary Una Vida sin palabras we have arranged a panel of guests to lead a post-screening discussion facilitated by a British Sign Language interpreter.

Una Vida sin palabras is a moving documentary about young deaf adults in rural Nicaragua who gain their first experience of communication through sign language thanks to the determination of their teacher Tomasa.

The panel will include:

  • Chris Hammond – Artistic Director of Full Circle Arts, a charitable organisation dedicated to inclusive engagement and participation, encouraging unique collaborations in the digital space.
  • Dr Lucy Burke, Principal Lecturer, Fellow in Academic Practice, and Disability Coordinator at Manchester Metropolitan University.
  • Dr Shaun Grech, Research Associate at the Research Institute for Health and Social Change, Manchester Metropolitan University, with a special interest in Disability and Poverty in the Global South, and extensive personal experience working with families in rural Guatemala.
  • Thomas Rudman, PhD student in English Studies at Manchester Metropolitan University, with extensive personal experience working with Zapatista communities in Chiapas in Mexico.