Oska Bright Film Festival 2024

HOME presents an exciting double bill of short films showcasing Wild Women and Queer Freedom, along with a Best of the Fest programme from the world’s biggest learning disability film festival.  

With less than 5% of disabled people working in the UK film industry, Oska Bright Film Festival is driven to make change happen. Working internationally with industry partners and funded by the BFI, our team produces the BAFTA and BIFA qualifying Oska Bright Film Festival, promotes accessible screenings, runs training for venues and develops skills for aspiring filmmakers. 

Oska Bright Film Festival puts people with learning disabilities or autism where they should be, on the big screen. 


(Image – Dead Cat Film, Dir. Josie Charles, Nathan Miller)

Previously in this season

Relaxed (Autism Friendly)/ Best of the Fest 2024

A pick n mix of some of the highlights from Oska Bright Film Festival, the world's biggest international film festival featuring work by learning disabled…

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Relaxed (Autism Friendly) Double Bill/ Queer Freedom & Wild Women

HOME presents an exciting double bill of short films showcasing Wild Women and Queer Freedom, along with a Best of the Fest programme from the…

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