Ken Jacobs: Nervous System

Influential American avant-garde filmmaker Jacobs pays a rare visit to the UK for this live performance of ONTIC ANTICS STARRING LAUREL & HARDY (1hr). Using footage from a 1929 short, Jacobs and wife Flo operate an innovative dual projection technique that exploits the act of perception. The result is a comic, dynamic, optical interplay – dazzling cine-magic.Also screening: Laurel & Hardy short BERTH MARKS (1929, 18m) and DISORIENT EXPRESS, a 1998 Jacobs film created from 1906 paper ‘film’ prints (30min).Presented in association with the BFI and the Regus London Film Festival. Curated by Mark Webber.Total programme time: approx. 2hrsTickets: £5.00 full/ £4.00 concessions