Inspired by Akira Kurosawa’s iconic 1952 film Ikiru (‘To Live’), the Japan Foundation Touring Film Programme 2016 will provide an exciting collection of films looking at the way in which Japanese filmmakers have been observing and capturing people’s lives, and how people across the ages negotiate and reconcile with the situation they live in.
Presented by The Japan Foundation Touring Film Programme with support from Japan Airlines, the Great Britain Sasakawa Foundation and the Okinawa Film Office.
Previously in this season
Miss Hokusai
Set in early 19th century Japan during the Edo period, this animation brings to life the story of O-Ei, the daughter of the ukiyo-e master,…
Tale Of A Butcher Shop
An award-winning documentary about the Kitades and their family-run butcher shop in Kaizuka City (outside Osaka), where they have been raising and slaughtering cattle, and…
The Elegant Life of Mr Everyman
Eburi is a lowly salaryman who drunkenly promises two magazine editors that he will write them a masterpiece. Once sober, Eburi commits himself to his…
The Elegant Life of Mr Everyman Intro
This screening will be introduced by Jonathan Bunt, Senior Lecturer in Japanese Studies at the University of Manchester.
Tale Of A Butcher Shop Intro
We are pleased to welcome director Aya Hanabusa to introduce this screening.