HOME Open House: Freshers Edition

As you settle into your new home, or a new year of studies, we’d love to welcome you to get to know our HOME a bit better. We’ve put together a jam-packed day of free events for you to get a taster of what we’re all about.

The day includes a free breakfast, a free film screening of Ad Astra, a fair with all the latest opportunities at HOME, building-wide tours and an exclusive chance to catch our record-breaking David Lynch exhibition on its final day.

Housemates, friends and family all welcome. HOME is for all, so come as you are…

10:00 – 10:30: Free breakfast sandwich (veggie and meat), hot drinks and biscuits in our Cinema Foyer.

10:30 – 12:30: Free screening of blockbuster film Ad Astra (starring Brad Pitt).

Twenty years after his father left on a one-way mission to Neptune in order to find signs of alien intelligence, Army Corps engineer Roy McBride travels through the solar system to find him and understand why his mission failed.

The latest film from acclaimed director James Gray (The Lost City of Z) is suffused with his customary intelligence.

★★★★★ “Brad Pitt reaches the stars in superb space-opera with serious daddy issues” – The Guardian

12:00 – 16:00: HOME Opportunities Fair
Explore all the different ways you can involved at HOME with stands about our Young Company, filmmaking courses, volunteer programmes, animation festivals, 15-25 discount card and opportunities to exhibit your own work in our galleries.

14:00 – 14:45: Exclusive tour of our exhibition David Lynch: My Head is Disconnected, from curator Sarah Perks.

16:15 – 16:45: Exclusive tour of our exhibition David Lynch: My Head is Disconnected, from curator Sarah Perks15

13:00, 14:00, 15:00 and 16:00: Hourly building tours that will take you on to both of our stages, as well as backstage and into the projection booth.


Access and Booking: The day is drop-in, so you can come and go as you please. Though if you would like to reserve a space to the film or have access requirements for us to be aware of, please do contact us on communications@homemcr.org.