German GCSE Study Morning 2025: The Zone of Interest


Thu 6 Feb 25

Times: 10:00 – 13:00

Join us for our German GCSE study morning.

This session will be led by Sebastian Truskolaski, Lecturer in German Cultural Studies at the University of Manchester. The day will include an introduction from Sebastian, providing contextual information and key words. This will be followed by a screening of The Zone of Interest, helping learners explore a range of topics related to German language and culture in its darkest hour. Sebastian will lead a series of exercises exploring themes and topics covered on the German GCSE syllabus.

A thought-provoking and interactive way to engage students in German language outside of the classroom.


Screening: The Zone of Interest (12A)
Dir Jonathan Glazer/US GB PL 2023/105 mins/German, Polish, Yiddish wEng ST 

The commandant of Auschwitz, Rudolf Höss, and his wife Hedwig, strive to build a dream life for their family in a house and garden next to the camp.


This event is for teachers and students, teachers may not attend without students.

3 hours

This event is for teachers and students, teachers may not attend without students.

£8 per student

To book:

  • Email
  • Tickets go on sale on Fri 20 Sep
  • Please detail the number of student and teacher tickets required
  • This event is open only to pupils and their teachers