Join us for a special animation edition of Matt & Hal’s Gag Reels, a monthly film-themed comedy panel show, currently based at The Stand Comedy Club in Newcastle. In the show two teams of two comedians battle it out over eight rounds to be crowned champions and win the prestigious plastic Oscar. There will also be free popcorn and special audience prizes!
Rounds include:
Sell-ur-loid: the panel travel back in time and pitch their favourite film to Matt & Hal who are top shot Hollywood movie producers.
Making A Scene: an improvised round using suggestions from the audience and famous film quotes.
O Brother Where Fan Art Thou: audience members draw their favourite film stars and teams have to buzz in and identify them.
Killer Line: the panel must come up a with a cheesy line to deliver after dispatching a baddie in a preposterous scenario.
Dub Be Good To Me: contestants dub over a famous scene from a film.
Comedians at this event include: Alex Collier, Anja Atkinson, Harriet Dyer, Ross Brierley and hosted by Matt Reed & Hal Branson.