Drawing on Inspiration

Due to unforeseen circumstances this event has now been CANCELLED. If you wish to have a class tour of the exhibition please contact engagement@cornerhouse.org to arrange.

Recommended for: GCSE and AS/A2 Art and Design, Creative and Media Diploma and equivalent. This workshop is particularly relevant for the following GCSE and A Level endorsements: Applied, Fine Art, Graphic Communication and Three-Dimensional Design.

Capacity: 40 places

This event will be open to 14-19 year olds and their personal tutors only.

This workshop presents a unique opportunity to meet and work with Manchester-based international artist David Mackintosh. Introducing students to the drawing, installation and animation works in his brand new solo exhibition, David will highlight his distinctive drawing methods and encourage students to think about the significance of drawing as craft and creativity. There will be the chance to explore a series of found objects and personal belongings – mainly music and film – that have inspired his artistic practice. Students will be encouraged to think about the role of inspiration in their own practice, and respond by creating their own drawings in personal sketchbooks and visual diaries.

Led by artist David Mackintosh