Black History Month 2023 Community Activities

Throughout October, HOME creatives and artists continue their work in local communities, with special celebratory cross arts workshops and sessions with women and young people in Hulme and Moss Side.

Ascension Church’s women’s group will host HOME artist Selina Chibanda for an exciting and creative Saturday night celebration of African print fabrics and painting. Ascension Church also welcomes HOME Artist Linda Wachaga to do a self-portrait painting workshop centred around self-love. Linda’s workshop is intended to be a creative wellbeing space for women from the Global Majority, who will be invited to identify and paint their favourite features, perhaps those they may have insecurities with, as well as recognising their non-visible characteristics such as personalities, heritage and personal stories that could be conveyed in their portraits. To find out more about HOME’s Workshops Hosted by Ascension Church please click here.

In Moss Side, our HOME from HOME juniors’ group at Powerhouse Library will have a surprise multi-sensory musical and acrobatic addition to their weekly sessions with a heart-pounding Djembe drumming workshop with musician Godfrey, followed by a taster of Ethiopian acrobatics, traditional dance styles and circus skills with Movement and Circus Artist Masresha Wondmu.