BFI Film Academy 1

Cornerhouse was successful in applying to be one of the 24 regional BFI Film Academies back in November 2012.

The resulting project ran from January to March 2013 and involved 15 talented young filmmakers aged between 16 and 19. 83 young people applied for the 15 available places and throughout the project period the selected group met every Wednesday night, Saturday day and for a week during half term. During this time they undertook 6 film theory sessions, a BBFC certification session, a film programming session, a 2 day documentary filmmaking course and a 10 day short fiction film course.

The group worked alongside a team of industry professionals who provided guidance and advice when necessary and they even completed their Bronze Arts Award.

When working on their short fiction film, the young people came up with an original idea, scripted and storyboarded it and filmed the scenes during a very cold February half term. They went on to complete all post production and created their very own soundtrack. The film entitled Four Nerds and A Bird follows four guys on a geeky quest which results in some unexpected events. Check the film out below.

Quotes from the participants:

“I have gained many things from taking part in the academy project, the stand-out mark though has been what I have been able to achieve from taking part. I have gained many skills such as how to use final cut and DSLR’s, I have also learnt how to work with other people and how to communicate ideas clearly and specifically.”

“This course is really important, it helps young people to learn skills that are not taught at schools or colleges, it allows them to connect and be creative which I think is vital if we’re wanting to keep the British film industry going.”

“It was an amazing opportunity to meet local people who shared the same level of interest in film as what I do. During the Film Academy everyone, including all the staff at Cornerhouse were friendly and supportive. The facilities available to us were fantastic and the team of filmmakers and guest speakers were phenomenal. I really did learn so much from everybody I spoke to, as well as giving me proper insight into what to expect in the future.”

Film Festival Success

  • Screened at the Co-operative Film Festival 2013
  • Screened at the 2013 Calgary International Festival, Canada
  • Screened at the 2013 Portobello Film Festival
  • Screened at the Kids for Kids UK Film Festival 2013
  • Screened at Barbican’s Framed Film Festival 2013
  • Screened at the BFI Future Film Festival 2014

Alex Clifford, Conor Muir-Cochrane, Jorge Walsh, Kirsty Lyons, Liza Vul, Lucy Edmondson, Lucy Gilder, Matthew Spencer, Megan Al-Ghailani, Melody Taylor, Ogbu Echi, Raabia Hussain, Rebecca McClean, Sam Steele, Ted Tomkins

Joseph Stacey, Harry Dyer, Adam Deane, Pete Garvey, Amy Dee, Aaron Cobham, Rick Carter, Paul Hine

BSL Support:
Catriona Martin, Chris Payton, Dave Clifford, Nick Hatton, Interpreting Solutions

Workshop Leaders: Mark Haig, John Grey and Louise Wallwein
Film Theory Course Tutor: Maggie Hoffgen
Project Assistants: Dean Brocklehurst
Cornerhouse Engagement Assistant: Alison Kennedy
Cornerhouse Producer: Marisa Draper