With Lauren John Joseph and guests CN Lester & Nando Messias.
Beyond! is a queer literary salon, from your friend Lauren John Joseph. With three events over three weeks, they’ll be talking gender, autoficiton, and new transhistorical forms with the queer literati. Please do join us from the comfort of your living room/bed/cupboard under the stairs; it’s all free and it wouldn’t be the same with you, lover!
Guests include:
CN Lester is a writer, musician, academic, and leading LGBTI activist. “Trans Like Me” (Virago/Seal) is their first book. Their work has featured on BBC Radio 3, BBC Radio 4, SBS, The Guardian, ABC, The Independent, Newsnight, and at Sydney Opera House
Nando Messias’ work straddles performance art, dance and theatre. Her writing appears in publications including; Queer Dramaturgies (Palgave Macmillan) Performing Interdiscisplinarity (Routledge), Choros International Dance Journal and Drag Histories, Herstories and Hairstories vol. 2 (Bloomsbury).
Lauren John Joseph is the author of the experimental prose volume, “Everything Must Go” (ITNA, 2014), and the plays “Boy in a Dress” and “A Generous Lover” (Oberon, 2019). Their novel, “At Certain Points We Meet”, will be published by Bloomsbury in March 2022.
Presented in partnership with