Artist Talks

Placing practice and practitioner at the centre, Manchester School of Art’s Artist Talks programme features a range of artists, makers and thinkers, and covers the interplay across the Media landscape between converging technologies, traditions and future possibilities. In partnership with the school, we present two public screenings of films by artist filmmakers Declan Clarke and Aura Satz.

Previously in this season

Between the Bullet and the Hole (Plus Other Shorts)

Aura Satz presents a series of short films focusing on memory, notation, encryption and gender. Between the Bullet and the Hole investigates women working in…

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The Hopeless End of a Great Dream Q&A

We will be joined by filmmaker Declan Clarke for a Q&A following this screening

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Between the Bullet and the Hole (Plus Other Shorts) Q&A

We will be joined by filmmaker Aura Satz for a Q&A following this screening.

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