All you wanted to know about the BFI Short Film Fund

The BFI NETWORK Short Film Fund is BFI’s major fund for short film production in England and is set to reopen for applications in Spring 2025.

If you’re wondering whether the fund is suitable for you or your film or if you’re unsure as to how to put in a good application, this is the talk for you.

Film Hub North’s Talent Executive Benjamin Taylor will explain what the fund is, how it works and give a peek behind the curtain on how decisions are made, what Film Hub North looks for in projects and how you can stand out from other applications.

Suitable for writers, directors and producers interested in funding for short film production or just wanting to know more about BFI and its opportunities.

1 hour and 30 minutes

Age: over 18

Suggested price for this event is £5.

Pay what you can options are available for those less able to pay at this current time.