LiveWire Film Critic Sarah Martin reviews Frank…
When Jon, a young and aspiring musician, finds an opportunity to join an eccentric and unusual band, he meets the eccentric Frank and discovers a whole new world of craziness, adventure, as well as a sense of belonging.
Frank is a very unique film filled with comedy, sadness and sheer oddity. It is inspired by the legendary papier-mache-headed minstrel Frank Sidebottom. As an audience we are enthralled by the strange, wacky world in which the band, The Soronprfbs, who originally formed when the bands leader, Don, meets Frank at a mental hospital. Immediately the audience are taken aback by the overwhelming weirdness of Frank’s determination never to remove his mask. The film deals with serious, heart-breaking scenarios, such as suicide, in a very dark yet light-hearted way, highlighting its originality.
Michael Fassbender plays Frank brilliantly, facing the fact that he cannot use facial expressions to his advantage. Frank’s character pulls at heart-strings many times, and as a character we feel sorry for him, almost as though we know him really well, there are a few scenes where a sneaky teardrop may fall due to Frank’s actions and sad words.
While Frank, may not be for everyone – it is definitely worth a watch for those who love something different, quirkily funny, and downright entertaining. Definitely recommended.
Frank (15) is currently screening at Cornerhouse. Book your tickets and watch the trailer here.