Lightbulb moments in Leeds

What a week we’ve had! The Arts Marketing Association conference this week has thrown up a whole host of questions for us and here’s some highlights of what we’ve learnt –

  • Our online presence has a very corporate voice – we’re actually a collective of humans and there are a few of us contributing so we’re going to try and distinguish these voices from now on. Find out who these mystery people are here.
  • Art and it’s marketing part of the same experience? It was great to be in a room full of people who said that it should. It’s a state of mind as much as a practical statement – something to be worked on.
  • If I had £1 for every time a speaker mentioned Twitter, I’d be rich. Strangely the team are all tweeting now!
  • If I had £1 for every time a speaker said “FourSquare” I’d be even richer. Strangely, I’ve signed us up to FourSquare. A minor GPS based challenge for a theatre company without a fixed abode!

There’s lots more but it’s too painful to speak of just yet!
