We caught up with artist James Desser to talk about Future 20, Venture Arts and Last Place On Earth
What’s your artistic background?
I work in different mediums. I like photography.
Through Venture Arts I have curated the Manchester Contemporary stand, I designed Manchester Day parade costumes and was part of the Conversation Series ‘Other Transmissions’
Read more about my work with Venture Arts here.
Tell us about your practice now – what’s the most satisfying thing? The most challenging? How has it evolved?
Satisfying – drawing. Expressing ideas and feelings through drawing.
Challenging – making the tile work for Conversation Series. Working out how to make the idea in clay.
Evolved – working at Venture Arts on a Saturday to being involved in extra projects, such as Future 20. Working with others. Making new friends and travelling.
What made you want to be a part of Future 20?
Future 20 was recommended to me by Katherine Long after I had worked on the Other Transmissions project.
I like working on new projects in new environments.
What’s the most exciting part of this brief for you?
Making new types of artwork and being a part of HOME.
What do you think art brings to your life?
Art brings my interests to life in personal ways. I think art can be useful for problem solving eg, finding the best techniques and expressions.
What’s your biggest artistic ambition?
Working with likeminded people. Be a part of group projects such as Future 20 and Conversation Series.
Future 20 is a year-long project – how has that affected your practice?
Future 20 has given me an extra day in my week to be creative. It has shown me different artworks and through the project I have visited new places.
What role do you think the arts should play in building the future?
Draw, make films, write poetry to understand thoughts and express themselves.
Don’t worry about it being good, do it because it helps you.
Tell us about your ceramics in Last Place on Earth
I like that they play a big part in the world. The presence that they have in the world reminds me of a monolith.